REMONDIS Newsletter

REMONDIS Service International GmbH
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Dear Readers,

In the light of current worldwide political turmoil and an overall situation of economic uncertainty, it is important for a global actor like REMONDIS to begin 2017 with a strong message of resilience and commitment to an open and tolerant democratic society. As a company, we would like to express our concern over current geopolitical developments, and openly pledge our support to the liberal economic principles we share with many nations around the world.

2017 will be a decisive year for Europe. Elections will be held in two of the founding countries of the EU, which also happen to be the two largest economies in continental Europe. As a result, these elections will likely set the tone for the political discourse in Europe, but could also have an actual, lasting impact on the political landscape in the European Union for the years or even decades to come.

Europe needs to continue to stand for its core principles and therefore commit to the Four Freedoms as established by the EU, being the Freedom of movement of capital, people, goods and services. It is important that Europeans are reminded of the truly exceptional challenges that they have already overcome over the past decades, whilst taking new challenges head on.

In the light of further potential political upsets, it is important that we remain active in shaping the political discourse and safeguarding our liberal values, both as individual citizens and collectively as companies and civil society groups. Read full editorial

Sincerly yours,

Dr. Mark Nusselein

Chief Financial Officer of REMONDIS International







German Vice Chancellor attends REMONDIS forum

From 19 to 20 September 2016, REMONDIS held its annual forum in Goslar. Decision-making was the key area of focus at this year’s forum. Making good decisions is a key factor in the sustainable development of major companies like REMONDIS. More importantly, it also has a wider impact on the good functioning of our society. This year marked the 11th year of the REMONDIS forum. Our company was delighted to welcome a large panel of high level guests and experts from different parts of society. In particular, our management was pleased to welcome Sigmar Gabriel, Federal Minister for the Economy, and Vice Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. Furthermore, Nobert Rethmann, honorary Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Rethmann Group attended the event in Goslar, and shared important insights into the decisions that made REMONDIS what it is today.

To find out more about this year's forum in Goslar, please click here




Minister for the Environment visits Lippe Plant

On 17 February 2017, Barbara Hendricks, Minister for the Environment of the Federal Republic of Germany visited the REMONDIS headquarters and Lippe Plant in Lünen. During her visit, Mrs. Hendricks expressed her satisfaction with regards to the overall performance of REMONDIS as an environmental services company, as she stated: "the company has had an impressive run over the last two decades". Mrs Hendricks expressed her great pleasure over the significant advances in the German recycling sector: although Germany has a mandated recycling quota of 36%, Germany already far exceeds this legislative target, with a recycling quota in excess of 50%. As part of a new legislation currently under work in progress, Mrs Hendricks would like to see a new recycling target of 63% being mandated until 2020.  


REMONDIS recycles coffee capsules

The amount of coffee consumed in the world is growing with every year, and coffee capsules are increasingly gaining in popularity as the preferred method of preparation. REMONDIS in the Netherlands has developed a truly unique recycling technique for coffee capsules in Europe. Our processing center in the Lichtenvoorde recycles coffee capsules for the Netherlands, but also for the Benelux states and France. Coffee capsules contain valuable materials that REMONDIS is able to extract and reintroduce into the materials lifecycle. This is REMONDIS’ very own contribution to protecting our environment. Read more


REMONDIS acquires Depoorter

In December of 2016, REMONDIS Belgien SPRL acquired BVBA Vervoer Depoorter. Located in Ostend, Depoorter is a family-owned company specialised in the areas of commercial recycling and container services. The acquisition of Depoorter is an important step forward for REMONDIS in Belgium: The company is a regional market leader in the area of commercial and industrial recycling. By acquiring Depoorter, REMONDIS will be able to significantly improve its regional footprint in the western part of Belgium. Read more

Introducing Stefaan Pillen

Stefaan Pillen joined REMONDIS as a management trainee in 2013. Upon graduating from High School, Stefaan went on to complete a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering, and a Masters in Business Administration. During his studies, he also spend an extended period of time in Sweden and Ireland. At the young age of 26, Stefaan Pillen recently became Managing Director of REMONDIS' latest acquisition in Belgium, the company BVBA Vervoer Depoorter in Ostend. Stefaan is an animate sports fan and speaks four languages.

Read the interview with Stefaan Pillen

Successful launch of operations in Liège

In January 2017, REMONDIS started with its recycling management operations for the Liège area. The sector of operations covers 14 municipalities, and thereby our company provides collection services to more than 120,000 inhabitants. In order to ensure an effective execution of the contract, REMONDIS has purchased eight new bi-compartmentalized trucks. These trucks bear both electronic identification and weighing systems. REMONDIS now employs 35 people in Ivoz-Ramet, from where the operations are currently directed.   Read more


New composting facility for Lake Macquarie

In 2012, Remondis was awarded with a contract to build, own, operate and transfer a food and garden organics facility in Lake Macquarie. Located on the north cost of New South Wales this new facility will deliver a state of the art hybrid invessel tunnel and windrow composting facility, with a total throughput capacity of approximately 44,000 tonnes per annum. Read more


REMONDIS participates in raw materials conference

In November 2016, REMONDIS participated in the ninth German-Russian raw materials conference. As part of this two day conference, participants discussed various issues surrounding the topic of : ”The raw materials business and its responsibility towards the climate and the environment”. The raw materials conference was attended by numerous high level personalities, such as Sigmar Gabriel, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany (then Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy),  and the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, Arkady Dvorkovich. Read More


Introducing Ulf Ervér

On 1 January 2017 Ulf Ervér joined REMONDIS, taking on the role of Business Development Director. Mr Ervér will be responsible for the development of our company's recycling activities on the Scandinavian market.

Ulf Ervér has extensive experience in the area of environmental services. He has worked in some of the most successful companies of the recycling industry. In these companies, Mr. Ervér has assumed prominent positions such as, amongst others, business area director, vice president for hazardous materials, or marketing director. As a result, Ulf Ervér will bring significant, sector specific knowledge to our company, and will develop an effective strategy for our sales and business development division in Scandinavia. 

We welcome Mr Ervér to our global team and wish him much success in his new leadership role.      


Delegation from the Civil Engineering and Development Department of Hong Kong visits Lippe plant

On 17 Ferburary a delegation from Hong Kong visited the Lippe plant in Lünen. The delegation from Hong Kong visited the Lippe plant in the framework of a more comprehensive visit to Germany, with the objective to enquire about available technologies for industrial activities in high rise buildings and the latest trends in Germany's recycling industry. During their stay in Lünen, the Delegation was taken on a tour around the Lippe plant. Thereafter, they were received by Reiner Schwolow, Business Development Manager for REMONDIS, who provided our guests with a good overview over the German recycling market. Read more


REMONDIS Poland holds strategic conference 2017

REMONDIS in Poland recently held its annual strategic conference. In the course of the conference, REMONDIS assessed progress for its activities in Poland in the course of 2016, and made strategic plans for the year 2017 and beyond.

The meeting was held in the presence of Torsten Weber, Managing Director of REMONDIS International, and Dr. Marek Gebski, Leszek Pieszczek and Andrzej Trzesicki - Managing Directors of REMONDIS in Poland

Read more


REMONDIS Ganges cleanup effort

REMONDIS Aqua has been working to provide India with safe water since 2011. The company’s presence in India is growing fast, with more commercial and industrial clients, a larger regional footprint and a higher amount of employees with every year. Thomas Block, Managing Director of REMONDIS Aqua International has been leading the effort, to provide India with clean, safe and accessible water. Read more




REMONDIS trainee days 2017

From 23 January to 3 February, REMONDIS trainees from all over Europe participated in the REMONDIS Trainee Days. During two weeks, these young professional participated in an intensive programme of training sessions and site visits aimed at discovering the world of REMONDIS. The aim of this particular programme is to best prepare these individuals for their respective roles within the company. In the course of the Trainee Days, participants of the workshop were given the opportunity to travel to REMONDIS sites all across Germany. Read more