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Thirsty for innovation: The REMONDIS – DMK Partnership

Industrial production processes are increasingly complex operations. The industry aspires to achieve high energy savings, and to provide for environmentally friendly modes of production. Therefore, the challenges faced by our food and beverages industry today are numerous and diverse. In order to overcome these challenges, the Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH (DMK Group) and REMONDIS Aqua are working tirelessly to discover and develop new techniques and procedures for the treatment of water resulting from industrial processes.

As one of the leading providers in the area of water treatment, REMONDIS Aqua provides a wide portfolio of services for renowned clients from different industries in Germany and worldwide. A great example for the reach and diversity of our company’s service portfolio are the operations we have been providing for the DMK Group over the last 10 years. The Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH was established in 2011, following a merger between Humana Milchindustrie GmbH and the Nordmilch GmbH, both then important companies in the German milk industry. As of today, DMK operates from 26 locations in 10 German States. It is the European market leader when it comes to the production of milk and its derivatives.

REMONDIS Aqua operates an important water treatment plant in Altentreptow, in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania. DMK’s facility in Altentreptow processes 1.2 million litres of milk every day. From the collected milk, the company then produces different cheeses, which it markets under its own brand e.g. Milram. However, DMK also produces cheeses for various retailers. In addition to the cheese manufacturing plant, Altentreptow is also home to a production unit of the Wheyco GmbH. Wheyco is a subsidiary of the DMK Group. It produces up to four million litres of “Molke” whey protein. This protein is then used as concentrate for the production of various foods & beverages.

    A stable partnership

    REMONDIS Aqua has been a reliable partner for the DMK Group in the area of water treatment services since 2006. The partnership was initially established, as a result of an impulse for product diversification from DMK. At the time, the company aspired to move past the production of cheeses, and to launch a comprehensive production unit for whey proteins. REMONDIS Aqua was awarded with the contract for the expansion and maintenance of the respective water treatment plant. Due to the success of DMK’s operations, REMONDIS Aqua had to adapt the treatment facility a further three times thereafter. With the third and latest expansion of the plant, REMONDIS was able to nearly double the processing capacity of the facility.

    DMK has now transferred the entire maintenance responsibility to REMONDIS Aqua. Furthermore, the group has extended its contract with our company for an additional ten years. By assuming the operational responsibility for the plant, REMONDIS is also in charge of monitoring, for the compliance with different types of limitations and for the maintenance of all technical aspects.

    The water resulting from the production processes of both cheeses and whey proteins is contaminated with different types of effluents. As a result, the water discharged by the production facility needs to undergo different treatment phases and purification procedures, before being reintroduced into the surrounding waterways. In a first stage, most of the contaminants are filtered and transformed into biogas. This process is known as the “buffer management procedure”. The resulting biogas is then subsequently used for the production of electricity.

    To produce and further process the electricity, REMONDIS operates an own cogeneration power plant. This plant produces more energy than necessary for the water treatment procedure. Using the buffer technique ensures that the water treatment plant has a balanced mode of operation. Moreover, the procedure allows for comprehensive biological pre-treatment, treatment, and disinfection. The electricity generated by cogeneration plant is then used to power the extensive technical equipment necessary for water treatment procedures.

    An energy efficient procedure

    A common challenge for industrial water treatment facilities is the changing supply from the client’s production units. These depend on the production volume of the respective facilities. The level of utilization of the plant can vary from zero during standstill or maintenance periods, to extreme outputs during peak times. The important increase of throughput volumes during peak times endangers the compliance with the mandated limits of organic contamination. Furthermore, it creates a sudden and dramatic increase in the production of biogas. A sudden peak in the production of biogas bears important risks, including the danger of an explosion.

    In order to adapt to these strong variations, REMONDIS Aqua and the DMK Group have developed a new steering procedure. The procedure comprises a complex system for a more precise technical piloting and management of the water treatment facility. The data driven system continuously measures and analyses the levels of carbon contained in the water that enters the processing plant from DMK’s facility. Any peaks in contamination are automatically detected, and can be deviated into a separate safety reservoir. The extracted quantities can then be reintroduced into the process in smaller, controlled quantities. This ensures a continuous, safe balance in the level of contamination. Furthermore, the steering procedure guarantees a constant level of quantity and quality in the resulting biogas production.

    DMK awarded with EcoVadis Award for sustainibility

    Over many years of activity in industrial services, REMONDIS Aqua has been able to develop many new, innovative procedures in close cooperation with their clients. In Altentreptow, REMONDIS was able to support the DMK Group, by taking charge of the risks and responsibilities entailed in its water treatment activities. DMK’s overarching objective and expectations towards water treatment have always been clear: In addition to being cost effective, the water treatment activities have to be ecologically sustainable. In DMK’s sustainability strategy, the company has set a high standard for itself. For its continuous efforts to fulfil the highest requirements in terms of environmental sustainability, DMK was awarded an EcoVadis award in 2016.